Home Tech Oxford Technology’s specialised approach to SEIS and EIS investment – IFA Magazine

Oxford Technology’s specialised approach to SEIS and EIS investment – IFA Magazine

Oxford Technology’s specialised approach to SEIS and EIS investment – IFA Magazine

Oxford Technology has specialised in investing in science start-ups since 1983 and in that time has made more than 200 investments. 

The objective of Oxford Technology’s strategy is not just to capitalise on tax breaks, but to create successful companies and to maximise the long-term, tax-free, returns to their investors.

Oxford Technology’s SEIS and EIS funds have been open for investment from private UK taxpaying investors since 2012, and investors may invest at any time throughout the year.  The minimum investment is £15,000, while the maximum can be perceived as c. £650,000, which would allow investors to make their full quota of the allowed SEIS investments in a given tax year. Oxford Technology’s founders shared that through their experience, they have learnt that it is important for early investors to be able to support their early investees with additional capital when needed.

At the end of Q4 in 2023, Oxford Technology had made SEIS investments in 60 start-up science companies and had also made 169 follow-on EIS investments in these same companies. There have been six successful exits, with the seventh one pending, while eight companies were not able to reach the position where an exit was viable.

To find out more about Oxford Technology’s report, please click here