Stadium Update | Oxford United Football Club

Oxfordshire County Council have released a statement regarding feedback for Oxford United’s proposal for their new stadium.

The statement is as follows:

People are being invited to give their views on proposals by Oxford United Football Club (OUFC) to build a new stadium on council-owned land known as ‘the Triangle’, which is located east of Frieze Way and south of the Kidlington roundabout.

Oxfordshire County Council is inviting feedback on the club’s response to the strategic priorities set out by the council for the use of the land. For OUFC to receive agreement from the council to lease or buy the site, the club’s proposals must address seven key strategic priorities and bring benefit to communities in Oxfordshire.

An online survey is now live for people to share their views. The survey, which runs until 23 July, can be accessed at

Over the coming weeks, there will also be a small number of staffed, drop-in public exhibitions that are open to everyone:

  • Saturday 24 June, 10am – 4pm: Exeter Hall, Oxford Road, Kidlington
  • Wednesday 28 June, 1.30pm – 7.30pm: Exeter Hall, Oxford Road, Kidlington
  • Friday 7 July, 3.30pm – 7pm: Cutteslowe Community Centre, Wren Road, Oxford
  • Saturday 8 July, 10am – 4pm: County Library, Westgate, Oxford
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